Imprisoned Addict Substitutes Alcohol For Living Water
After 40 years of addiction and her fourth DUI, Susan received a prison sentence. While behind bars, she began to read the Bible and attend the chapel services which ultimately introduced her to a new life of hope.
I Went To Prison To Be Set Free
by Susan Folger
I was a mess! For 40 years, poor choices, fueled by alcohol and drugs, had me on a road of destruction. I insanely traveled down this path at an alarming rate, until it finally ended in a Texas prison at age 54.
It was here I met my Maker. Confined in prison, I was free for the first time in my life. He changed my heart, and completely healed me from the bondage of addictions.
I invite you to read about my journey. I share explicitly, from personal experience, my years of misery as an addict. I also describe many, many incidences of how the creator of this universe, Jesus Christ, stepped in personally, and worked in my life through supernatural means.
I am revealing what I have experienced in hope that someone else will relate to my testimony and be inspired to begin, or continue deepening, their own journey with our Lord.
“Engaging and well written…an amazing story as well as many words of wisdom.”
~Ryan Davis, Editor at YWAM Publishing
Visit the Xulon Press Bookstore to get more information on Susan Folger’s book I Went To Prison To Be Set Free.
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Good testimony of Susan. Jesus did it again and changed her life forever…
I have a story myself I’m interested in publishing on a similar journey but it involves a Vietnam war story I attempted to make in to a book. I even sold about 1000 books but it was through a local self publishing company and it needs a major overhaul….
Thanks for the comment, Martin.
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Congratulations Susan,
Our Lord loves us deeply and keeps us close to His heart, we just need to surrender, as you did. Building a close relationship with His requires daily time spent with Him. These silent times He uses to speak to our soul and form us into the children He created us to be. God Bless You Susan, I am so happy for you.
This is a timely message for me. Just last night I was up writing an inmate who inspired the climax of my Xulon Press book Straight Street. The main hero of the story is a drug addicted criminal who gets imprisoned and saved inside and also delivered from demons inside. Then he learns to evangelize inside & serves the Lord faithfully there. “I had to go to prison to find freedom,” that’s a great phrase I will remember. Prison humbles people & God gives grace to the humble but resists the proud. That’s the major problem with the majority of people in our country today: they’re too proud & comfortable or distracted to take the time to think about the things of God & humble themselves for Eternal Life. So now I think I’m going to try to start somewhat of a prison ministry by sending my books to prisons or prison ministries that can use them. Thank you & God bless.
That is a great idea, Kanji! So glad you were inspired by this video. Susan has a powerful story.