• How to Eliminate Distractions When Writing

    Whether you are a professional writer or looking to make time to write your first book, eliminating distractions is a key element of your success. With family responsibilities, work, and technology, we are constantly bombarded with distractions, which makes it difficult to focus on our writing time. The good news is that several effective strategies can help you eliminate distractions and stay focused while writing. In today’s article, we’re discussing 10 tips to help you stay on track and produce your best work. 10 Ways to Eliminate Distractions When Writing Let’s jump into our recommendations: 1. Find a hideaway in…

  • How to Write a Devotional: 5 Basic Tips to Get You Started

    One of the most popular types of manuscripts we publish at Xulon Press is a devotional. While a writing a devotional may sound like a simple task, there are many that lack the basic “bones” every devotional needs to be successful (and most of all, helpful to the reader). So, here’s a list of what every devotional should contain: Final Thoughts It doesn’t matter what you decide on theme, entry length, overall book length, or the use of verses, the most important thing is to keep it consistent while writing a devotional. Keep it consistent and it will be better overall, and…

  • The Do’s and Don’ts for a Successful Writing Workshop

    If you’ve decided to participate in your first writing workshop — either virtually or in person — you may be wondering what you can do to be best prepared for your time with other writers and how to make the most of that time. Since a writing workshop typically takes place with a small group of writers and a professional to oversee the activity, you’ll most likely receive specific instructions for how to prepare for the workshop. Since you’ll be trading writing pieces with others in the class, you will need to have your writing in the best possible shape.…

  • How to Write a Flashback Scene

    One of the best ways to work in a backstory for a character is through a powerful flashback, but getting a flashback right requires a little more time and attention than you might think. First, know why you’re thinking about including a flashback scene in your novel. Flashbacks should be used to show crucial moments that led to a character’s present decisions and way of thinking. For characters’ memories or large jumps in time, use a flashback scene. Here are 5 tips to successfully add a flashback scene to your writing. 1. Do a quick outline. Writing a scene in your…