• Quick Start Guide: Using Beta Reader Feedback

    Receiving the first round of beta reader feedback on your manuscript can stir up a mix of emotions. On the one hand, you will feel a sense of pride and accomplishment for making it this far in the process and having real reader feedback in your hands. The flip side of that—you may find yourself in another battle with self-doubt as you page through the comments. So, how can you use that beta reader feedback to take your story to the next level? This article covers exactly how to use your beta reader feedback to improve your writing. Organize the…

  • Beta Readers are More Important than You Think

    You’ve successfully finished the first draft of your manuscript and are feeling pretty good about your story overall. Maybe you’re ready to take some time off before diving into revisions; or worse yet, you think it’s ready for editing. There is an integral piece of the revision process, however, many writers miss out on—beta readers. After proofreading your first draft, beta readers should be your next step. Who Are Beta Readers? Think of beta readers as test subjects, or guinea pigs, for your book. They are typically the first group of people to read your manuscript in its entirety. When…

  • How to Eliminate Distractions When Writing

    Whether you are a professional writer or looking to make time to write your first book, eliminating distractions is a key element of your success. With family responsibilities, work, and technology, we are constantly bombarded with distractions, which makes it difficult to focus on our writing time. The good news is that several effective strategies can help you eliminate distractions and stay focused while writing. In today’s article, we’re discussing 10 tips to help you stay on track and produce your best work. 10 Ways to Eliminate Distractions When Writing Let’s jump into our recommendations: 1. Find a hideaway in…

  • How to Write a Devotional: 5 Basic Tips to Get You Started

    One of the most popular types of manuscripts we publish at Xulon Press is a devotional. While a writing a devotional may sound like a simple task, there are many that lack the basic “bones” every devotional needs to be successful (and most of all, helpful to the reader). So, here’s a list of what every devotional should contain: Final Thoughts It doesn’t matter what you decide on theme, entry length, overall book length, or the use of verses, the most important thing is to keep it consistent while writing a devotional. Keep it consistent and it will be better overall, and…