The Xulon Experience

Changes Are Coming to Your Favorite Book Publisher!

We've got some exciting changes come to our Author Services department!

We’ve got some exciting changes coming to our Author Service Department this March. These changes will affect the way we do our job as your book publisher.  Just as a book has a beginning, middle, and end, so does the process of creating a book. Imagine it like running a relay race. You will now have a dedicated publishing expert to run beside you through each leg of the race who will help you pass the baton (your manuscript) to the next publishing expert!


Pre-production is the stage you enter once you’ve selected your publishing package. It’s the first step in your publishing plan!  During this time, your rep here will guide you through preparing your files, completing your questionnaires, submitting your manuscript, and going through editing. They’ll also be around to assist you whenever those “how do I..?” questions come up.


This is the time when we actually start creating the book so it can go to the printer. We’ll start compiling all those puzzle pieces you worked on in pre-production and start to assemble them so they fit together as planned. Your rep here will guide you through this process with ease. They’ll be around to help you with viewing and making changes to your cover and interior text files and they’ll make sure you give us your approval to upload your book to the printer.

After Press 

After Press refers to the time after your book is completed and is available for sale. It is everything that occurs after the book has been printed. Your rep here will help with any future changes you may wish to make to your book. And, they’ll also help you understand your royalties.

One of the most exciting parts of self-publishing is that you get to have a say in all of this. This is one of the biggest differences than what you’d get at a traditional publisher. You’re involved in every step of the process, ensuring your book is exactly what you want it to be. We are very excited about these changes and think that they will only improve our processes and the quality of publishing we provide our authors! We’re proud to be the publisher you chose and hope these changes make your experience with us even better.

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