The Writing Process

Top 10 Ways to Celebrate National Grammar Day

National Grammar Day

Grammarists rejoice! National Grammar Day is upon us, and we have cooked up some really fun ideas to help you celebrate the day. First, how about a little history? Martha Brockenbrough originally founded National Grammar Day in 2008 because she wanted to help her students with their grammar in a lively and positive way. Even former President George W. Bush sent a letter to commemorate the day in its inaugural year. Since then, the day has gained more popularity around the country. The National Grammar Day website shares, “Language is something to be celebrated; and March 4 is the perfect day to do it. It’s not only a date, it’s an imperative: March forth on March 4 to speak well, write well, and help others do the same!”

Here at Xulon Press, we feel National Grammar Day is one to be celebrated—and celebrated well! So, we’ve compiled 10 ways to celebrate and we think Martha would be quite proud. After all, she did want the day to be lively and fun!


  1. Treat yourself to a grammar source or style guide. It’ll help your writing! I love the illustrated version of Elements of Style. If you don’t like pictures, the original Elements of Style is for you. Maybe the Chicago Manual of Style is more your style. (It is the end-all, be-all in the publishing industry after all.)
  2. Send a National Grammar Day e-card to your favorite grammarly friends—or maybe someone who needs a bit of grammar help?
  3. Tweet a grammar related-rhyme to @xulonpress. We’ll be retweeting our favorites!
  4. Bake a cake to commemorate the day. After all, a party without cake is just a meeting.
  5. Learn one new grammar rule a day for one week. You go, you.
  6. Wear your favorite grammar related t-shirt…like a badge of honor!
  7. Talk it up. Instead of “Talk Like a Pirate Day” trying speaking in alliteration all day. The conundrum is it could cause your co-workers to go considerably crazy. (“C” what we did there?!)
  8. Take a picture and write a short story about it. Then, share your picture and story on Facebook or in a blog post. (Be sure to hashtag #NationalGrammarDay!)
  9. Throw a “Word Nerd” party, and diagram sentences from your favorite books. We cannot confirm or deny that the Xulon editorial department has planned one for their Friday lunch break…
  10. Lastly, March forth today and spread the grammar love!



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Erika Bennett is the Content Manager for Xulon Press. She has worked in the publishing industry for more than a decade and her passion is to make sure great books find their way into readers' hands. You can also find her writing on

2 Comments on “Top 10 Ways to Celebrate National Grammar Day

  1. I am so happy to learn that there are others out there who appreciate correct grammar. Let its use not become a lost art, especially in text books. Carry the banner high!

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