• Bringing Book Events into the 21st Century

    Are you ramping up for your summer book launch? Or maybe you’re getting ready for a reading at your local bookstore? Authors have been walking the same line when it comes to these sorts of events since well… basically forever. I’m here to say, that just as the book industry is changing, these events should be too. Let’s bid farewell to the cheesy pens and bookmark giveaways and welcome ourselves, and our marketing material, to the 21st century. Make yourself memorable and you’ll make your book more memorable too. Here are 5 tips to get you started! 1. Branding, Branding,…

  • Finding the Balance Between Working and Writing

    Take a moment and think of your favorite author. Without even knowing who you selected, I can say with 95% confidence that they had to work a full-time job while writing his or her first or first few books. Writing begins as a passion project for almost all of us and learning how to balance it with all of our other responsibilities is one of the most challenging aspects of writing. Think about it. If we had all day to sit around and write—no work or family responsibilities—we’d be able to crank out at least two books a year. In…

  • The Art of Fast-Drafting Your Novel

    Writers tend to fall into two camps regarding how much time it takes to finish drafting a book. There are those who can take upwards of 10 years to write their manuscripts. Then, there are those who fast-draft their manuscripts in as little as 14 days. While no clear-cut rules exist for fast-drafting a manuscript, writers who use the technique know what it takes to get as many words on paper in as little time as possible. What is the secret sauce to churning out a fast-drafted manuscript in less than one month? Aside from proactive preparation and a well-planned…

  • How to Create a Writer’s Notebook

    I am always on the lookout for the next it thing when it comes to writing trends. I want to find the magic routine that solves all my writing woes. At the very least, a routine I enjoy enough to turn back to on a daily basis. My desire to find a process that works for me as an individual led me to the writer’s notebook. I told myself that my writer’s notebook would be completely different from a daily journal. In reality, however, my writer’s notebook is in fact just a glorified journal. There is one big difference between…