• The Best Podcasts for Writers

    As podcasts continue to grow in popularity, it’s no secret that there truly is a podcast for everyone. It’s also a hive of information for writers, editors, and book lovers. As with books, however, it’s best to start with a few podcast recommendations. So, whether you’re looking to brush up on your grammar skills, hone your first draft, stay in touch on what readers want, or to feel inspired after a creative dry spell, your next podcast favorite just might be in the list below. Educational Whether you want to increase your vocabulary, brush up on your grammar, or understanding…

  • The Art of Fast-Drafting Your Novel

    Writers tend to fall into two camps regarding how much time it takes to finish drafting a book. There are those who can take upwards of 10 years to write their manuscripts. Then, there are those who fast-draft their manuscripts in as little as 14 days. While no clear-cut rules exist for fast-drafting a manuscript, writers who use the technique know what it takes to get as many words on paper in as little time as possible. What is the secret sauce to churning out a fast-drafted manuscript in less than one month? Aside from proactive preparation and a well-planned…

  • Learning How to Take Constructive Criticism

    There’s a first time for everything I can still remember my first real exposure to constructive criticism of my writing. Sophomore year of college, I received my first C+ on a paper in my entire educational career. Immediately, I rationalized the grade had to be a mistake. I read the remarks my professor left on each of the eight pages I’d written, and I grew defensive and angry. Preparing myself with counterpoints, I scheduled a meeting during office hours to argue my stance with him. Before I had the chance to challenge his grading, my professor hit me hard with…

  • Press Releases: Everything You Should Know

    As an author, a great way to generate interest in your new book is through a press release. If you are unaware of what press releases are, why they are important, what goes into them, or are unsure of the best possible way to approach them, spend a few moments here learning about their function. What is a press release? A press release is a great way to appeal to a broad audience through media outlets. It’s a message written with the intention of getting information circulating about your book. As an author, a press release is a great way…