• 5 Benefits of Mastering Grammar

    This question of writing skillset comes up a lot: “Do I need to be good at writing to write a book?” The answer is “yes” and “no.” In order to write a book that others want to read, writers have to understand the basics of writing and be willing to read a lot of resource books, and teach themselves how to plot out their writing in a way that readers will follow. Grammar is an important part of writing because, without strong grammar and sentence structure, a book is hard to read and comprehend. “Well, I can just hire an editor…

  • 10 Tips for a Better Book Opening

    The opening of your book is the place where readers will decide to keep reading or set aside your book — no pressure. So, your opening pages need to jump straight into your story without dawdling on about the protagonist’s history or how he/she ended up in the current predicament. The back story is 100% necessary for you, as the writer to know ahead of time. You’ll need to develop all that information before you begin to type the first page of your book. That background work, however, will only slow your readers down and bore them if you drop…

  • The Pomodoro Technique for Writers

    When it comes to writing, time is often the biggest enemy. Sometimes we all need a little competition (even if it’s with ourselves) to kick a task into high gear. We think we’re too busy to write because other tasks and responsibilities fill our time. Or we squander away the time we do have to write by allowing our minds to wander when we should be focused. This is where the Pomodoro Technique can be very helpful. If you fall into either of these time issues, grab yourself a good old-fashioned kitchen timer, put your phone away, and close yourself off…

  • Should I Finish Writing My Book?

    Did you start writing your book when you were full of inspiration and never-ending ideas? Are you now feeling a bit tired of that said idea? Does your creative well feel dry? On some occasions, it’s not always best to push through those pain points for the sake of finishing. In fact, you should gauge how you’re feeling and try to deduce why you’re feeling that way. You may find yourself to be at a point where it’s best you archive your manuscript. An example of this can be if your life has become more stressful than it was when you…