• When to Use a Scene Break

    Did you know the symbol—most commonly three asterisks—inserted between sections of text to break the scene is called a dinkus? Scene breaks serve many purposes, but one reason it’s used is to give readers a breather. Imagine reading an intense scene that holds a lot of significance, but the chapter doesn’t end when the scene ends. You’d need a little breather, right? That’s what the dinkus—or scene break—provides. Here are four other times to use a scene break. 1. When you want to transition from a present-day narrative to a flashback. A scene break is a useful writing tool when…

  • How to Write a Flashback Scene

    One of the best ways to work in a backstory for a character is through a powerful flashback, but getting a flashback right requires a little more time and attention than you might think. First, know why you’re thinking about including a flashback scene in your novel. Flashbacks should be used to show crucial moments that led to a character’s present decisions and way of thinking. For characters’ memories or large jumps in time, use a flashback scene. Here are 5 tips to successfully add a flashback scene to your writing. 1. Do a quick outline. Writing a scene in your…

  • 10 Ways to Prepare for NaNoWriMo

    We’re a few weeks out from the biggest novel writing challenge of the year: National Novel Writing Month! Every November, writers from around the world dedicate themselves to cranking out a 50,000-word first draft manuscript in 30 days. Tons of writers have gone on to publish their books after the challenge, and thousands have credited the process to help them finish a writing project that’s been sitting on their hearts for years. If this is the year you’ve decided to write your novel, you still have plenty of time to finish the first draft before the end of the year,…

  • Writing Inspo: Things To Do Instead Of Quitting

    “The best way out is always through.” —Robert Frost I think it’s safe to say we’ve all had moments when we want to give up on a writing project or quit writing altogether. If you’re in need of some writing inspo, or you’ve been thinking about quitting recently, here are other things you can try instead: Consider your purpose for writing. Why did you want to write in the first place? How does your writing help you? How does it change you? In what ways do you hope it will help or inspire others? Consider your book’s purpose. What were…