• Twitter for Writers

    Twitter is a microblogging social media platform that allows you to publish short posts, up to 280 characters long, called tweets. Tweets can include images and links to websites. You can follow other accounts (the equivalent of friending someone on Facebook) to see their tweets in your timeline. You can even retweet (the equivalent of sharing someone’s post on Facebook) others’ tweets on your page. Twitter is a great way to show your knowledge and share information about your works in progress. It’s the perfect platform to offer commentaries on recent books, blogs, scripts, etc. Additionally, Twitter provides a fast-paced…

  • Instagram for Writers

    Over the last several years, Instagram has become one of the most popular social media platforms to date. The visually engaging app is easy to use and thriving and growing by the minute. Some writers might be hesitant to jump into Instagram, with the main concern being its focus on images as opposed to text. But regardless of images not being your forte, Instagram offers unique opportunities to interact with your readers and boost your audience in size. Why is Instagram good for writers? Instagram has 1 billion active users, with more than half signing on the app daily and 35% signing…

  • Social Media Every Writer Should Be On

    If you are a writer looking to get noticed, inspired, or build an audience, you need to get on social media. Social media is a gold mine for showcasing your writing ability, building a following, and gaining exposure. In today’s digital world, social media has the power to boost writers’ success. The platforms enhance the ability to reach far audiences by allowing a writer’s work to be immediately shared. The more people who read your work, the better exposure you gain. In this way, you can increase the potential to develop a larger, loyal following. Now it’s time to talk…