Search Results for: writing prompts

  • Tips for Brainstorming Book Titles

    If you’re not part of the lucky group of writers that knows the title of their book right from the start, we have compiled a few tips to help. By the end of these book-titling exercises, you should hopefully be able to put together a decent list of title ideas for your book. The list of prompts below should help spark ideas. We recommend reading them one day at a time (so you can look at them with fresh eyes each time) and writing down any book titles that come to mind. Book titles should ideally be 5 words or…

  • How to Grow as a Writer This Year

    You don’t want to be a mediocre writer. You want to be a truly amazing writer! Do you know how attainable that goal can be? (Hint: it’s super attainable.) Becoming an amazing writer is all about putting in the work and growing as a writer. And you are capable of both. Better writing comes from doing the work, not how many books you sell or the number of followers you have on Instagram. While both of those are great outward statistics, they will never make you a better writer. That’s something only you can do on your own. And where…

  • The Art of Fast-Drafting Your Novel

    Writers tend to fall into two camps regarding how much time it takes to finish drafting a book. There are those who can take upwards of 10 years to write their manuscripts. Then, there are those who fast-draft their manuscripts in as little as 14 days. While no clear-cut rules exist for fast-drafting a manuscript, writers who use the technique know what it takes to get as many words on paper in as little time as possible. What is the secret sauce to churning out a fast-drafted manuscript in less than one month? Aside from proactive preparation and a well-planned…