Search Results for: social media

  • 6 Bad Habits to Give Up This Month as a Writer

    If you participate in Lent, you’re accustomed to giving up certain things—chocolate, social media, soda—in your life during the 40-day period. As a writer, however, there are also some negative habits you should give up, too. So, with the last few weeks left of Lent, refocus on these six habits you can remove from your writing life.  1. Comparison. We all get caught in the comparison game at some point or another, and as a writer, it can be hard not to compare your current writing status with someone else’s status, especially with access to other writers’ lives on social…

  • Video Marketing For Self-Published Authors

    Video marketing is something that a lot of indie (self-published) authors can neglect. Using visuals can increase awareness of your book as well as introduce the author behind the book to the readers.  3 Ways to Use Videos to Promote Your Book 1. Book Trailers Book trailers have the same effect on viewers as movie trailers do: they create awareness of your book and hopefully entice the audience to purchase it. Video trailers can provide a preview of the story or a glimpse of a scene to elicit curiosity. To make a great book trailer you should keep the video…

  • 10 Types of Writing That Don’t Involve Books

    All types of writing can be powerful and helpful to the writer and anyone who may come across the work. But not all types of writing have to end with a book. In fact, there are plenty of ways to dabble in writing that doesn’t eventually get bound and wrapped in a book cover. If you’re feeling a little unsure about where to start your writing journey, try one (or more) of these 10 types of writing: 1. Article Writing Lots of writers make a living by penning articles, newspapers, magazines, online outlets, or for internal communications to employees. If…

  • Tips for a Fresh Start in 2021

    The beginning of a new year is a great opportunity to focus on creating new habits, trying fun activities, and expanding our capabilities to become even more fulfilled people than we were in the previous year. While it’s true that we can have a fresh start every morning we wake up, there’s something special about a fresh start to a new year. Maybe it’s time to finally take that cooking class you’ve always wanted to attend or you have a state park you want to visit and check off your bucket list. If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that we…