Search Results for: goal

  • The Pomodoro Technique for Writers

    When it comes to writing, time is often the biggest enemy. Sometimes we all need a little competition (even if it’s with ourselves) to kick a task into high gear. We think we’re too busy to write because other tasks and responsibilities fill our time. Or we squander away the time we do have to write by allowing our minds to wander when we should be focused. This is where the Pomodoro Technique can be very helpful. If you fall into either of these time issues, grab yourself a good old-fashioned kitchen timer, put your phone away, and close yourself off…

  • Benefits of Reading

    The benefits of reading go far beyond the ability they provide to escape your reality. Reading — even for just 20 minutes a day — can do wonders for your mood, sleep health, memory retention, and much more. Reading doesn’t just apply to books either; taking a few minutes every day to read an in-depth article about something new or reading a few blog articles centered on one of your favorite hobbies can have the same effect as reading a book. As it turns out, the simple act of reading is all that’s important, and it’s less about what you…

  • What to Know About Co-Authoring a Book

    There are steps you have to take when co-authoring that you wouldn’t typically think about if writing solo. Having a writing partner can be very beneficial when it comes to splitting the work and dividing tasks based on strengths and weaknesses. But there are also a handful of steps you should take when co-authoring a book that you wouldn’t typically have to think about if you wrote solo. Here are 10 tips about co-authoring a book: 1. Pick someone with a similar writing style and work ethic as yours. The best way to get your joint writing project off the…

  • Staying On Track With Your Writing This Spring

    The first quarter of the year has officially ended! Did you know most people give up on their goals by February? Even if you’ve gotten off the path you had in mind, you still have 9 full months to pull a reverse card. Here are some tips to help you stay on track with your writing this spring. 1. Update your action plan. Take time to create a realistic action plan that you can actually stick to. Set quantifiable writing goals to hit specific word counts, a date to have a publishing deal signed, a date to have book launch details set…