• The End: Finishing Your Novel

    By the time writers find themselves writing the ending to their story, they are 80,000 words—if not more—into their story. After months or years of getting their story on paper, writers may feel burned out, ready to be done, and wanting to be onto their next project. The downside of that, however, is that a novel’s ending needs a lot of attention to avoid leaving readers dissatisfied or thinking the writer took an easier route to tie the plot points together. That’s why finishing your novel on a strong note is important. The ending needs to be just as strong—or…

  • How to Write a Poetry Collection

    From Robert Frost and Emily Dickinson to Timothy Liu and Audre Lorde, it is clear that each of these poets has a special knack for words. All possess a unique style and voice, and they all write about topics that are important to them. If you are a poet and are thinking about writing a poetry collection, here are some tips to get started and ensure that your work truly reflects what you feel. What Is a Poem? With modern poetry becoming more and more experimental, it is sometimes difficult to determine what a poem is. Poetry can be a million different…

  • How to Write in Third Person Point of View

    In the world of fiction, the third person point of view (POV) is a widely popular choice for writers. With this POV, the narrator exists outside of the story and refers to characters by their names, using third person verbs and pronouns, such as “he,” “she,” and “they.” It’s important to note that generally, the narrator is not a separate entity/character with its own role in the story. The narrator simply sits on the shoulder of the character(s) and communicates to the reader the events and interactions as they unfold. There are three forms of the third person POV: objective, omniscient, and limited.…

  • Rise of the Hero: Writing the Hero’s Journey Arc

    Imagine this. A youth who lives a carefree life is suddenly thrust into a situation where they must leave behind everything they know to embark on a journey full of uncertainties and dangers to accomplish a specific task. Along the way, they meet companions and other unusual characters who either aid them or try to stand in their way. The events that unravel during this journey all lead up to one ultimate decision, one ultimate goal to make what had ultimately gone wrong right again. The youth succeeds, becoming a hero in the process, and they are rewarded with the…