• Xulon Press authors represented well at the 2013 International Christian Retail Show (ICRS)

    The International Christian Retail Show (ICRS) was held June 23rd – 26th in St. Louis, Missouri. There were 1,481 professional buyers from 57 countries and total attendance was over 3,700 individuals. Xulon Press had premium booth placement and over 30 authors in attendance. There were 3 successful book signing events with long lines by Kiki Forest (From Dust to Glory), Moshe Laurie (Living in God’s Army) and Sherry Stahl (Water In The Desert). Authors attending were able to make connections with book buyers and get the buzz out about their titles with the book sell cards they passed out by…

  • A Marketing Map: Tools and Tips for Self-Published Authors

    You have written your book, selected the cover, font style, worked with our crackerjack production and editorial team—even received your first copies of the book.  All of the sudden you’ve got that feeling in your stomach; you know the one where panic takes over, and you feel like you are dropping on a roller coaster?  You realize you have to actually sell your book!  At this point you are thinking, “The fun part was writing the book, now is the hard part,” or  “I don’t know how to sell a book!” I hear this all the time in self-publishing.  Relax!…