Young girl eating watermelon. Recipes and Cookbooks, send us your ideas.

Calling All Authors with Recipes and Cookbooks!

Young girl eating watermelon.  Recipes and Cookbooks, send us your ideas.I’m always anxious for the advent of summer and the wonderful things it brings with it: the musical hum of lawn sprinklers being turned on full-blast for children to run through; the lazy way that the sun starts to drag out each evening; the electric snap-crackle-pop of a thunderstorm as a universally welcome reprieve from the smoldering heat. I think I love the tastes and smells of summer just as much as the sights and sounds: family bbq’s, church luncheons and picnics come alive with lip-puckering homemade lemonade, sweet seedy watermelon and the spicy tang of bbq sauce on a pile of pulled pork.

So here at Xulon Press, we’re declaring June “Foodie” Month. We want to hear from authors who are looking to self-publish recipes and cookbooks! Are you a secret sauce savant, ready to unveil your tips and tricks in a cookbook? A hostess known for her amazing tablescapes and perfect party trays? Looking to self-publish those absolutely legendary family recipes (and the legendary stories that go with them!) in a cookbook for the whole world to enjoy? I can’t think of a better way to preserve your celebrated recipes for children, grandchildren, and generations to come. Food is a universal language we use to explore and celebrate culture, family traditions, milestones in life and days which simply deserve some deep, tangible comfort…So let’s share the foodie love!

Consider this your invitation to send your questions, ideas, recipes, and foodie successes or hilarious blunders! We’d love to hear from you. You can comment below, send us a tweet at @XulonPress, or post on our Xulon Press Facebook page. Don’t forget to “subscribe” to the blog (upper right-hand corner of the site) to receive blog updates straight to your email inbox!

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Brittnee Newman, Marketing & Communications Strategist for Xulon Press, has been a blogger, freelance journalist and editor for just over half a decade. She joined Xulon Press as an editor in 2012, and now supports the company within the Marketing Department. Follow her on Twitter at @XulonBrittnee.

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