Search Results for: writer's block

  • 5 Strategies for Overcoming Writer’s Block

    You’ve come so far in your writer’s journey. You’ve taken on the challenge of writing a book, carved out time in your schedule to make your dream a reality, and begun giving your thoughts life. Now, you hear a faint knocking on the page where you’ve left off, and sure enough, an unwanted visitor has made an appearance. Overcoming writer’s block is one of the biggest annoyances in the business, so we’re bringing you five strategies to get you to put pen to paper again. 1. Slow Down in Silence As a writer, it’s understandable when your book has taken…

  • How to Effectively Overcome Writer’s Block

    The inevitable has happened, you’ve hit a road block in your writing. Writer’s block happens to everyone; you’re not alone! Check out these effective and simple ways to combat that stuck feeling and help you find your writing groove. Go For a Walk Give your eyes a break from the screen and take a short walk around outside. The fresh air will help clear your mind, giving you a chance to step away from the story and come back fueled by new ideas. You writer’s block will be no match for your refreshed mind! Write Through the Block For some, the…

  • 7 Tips For Overcoming Writer’s Block

    If you’ve ever experienced any sort of writer’s block I’m sure you can agree it is a painful state of mind that’s often difficult to overcome. Where does writer’s block stem from anyway? Yale University psychologists Jerome Singer and Michael Barrios followed a group of diverse, “blocked” writers and concluded that there are four main causes of writer’s block: Excessive self-criticism Fear or comparison to other writers Lack of external motivation (e.g. praise and recognition) Lack of internal motivation You probably began your writing journey with feelings of determination and eagerness; getting past writer’s block is about digging deep and bringing…

  • How to Write a Book While Working Full-Time

    How to Write a Book When Working Full-Time Working 40 or more hours a week doesn’t have to keep you from fulfilling your dream of writing (and publishing) a book. We all have daily commitments like full-time jobs, families, friends, volunteering, and more. With careful planning and time management, it’s possible to incorporate writing time into your busy schedule and even meet your personal writing goals. It’s important to remember that writing is a process and your progress won’t always be linear. Some days you may feel like your thoughts are overflowing with creativity while other days you may struggle…