If you’re not part of the lucky group of writers that knows the title of their book right from the start, we have compiled a few tips to help. By the end of these book-titling exercises, you should hopefully be able to put together a decent list of title ideas for your book. The list of prompts below should help spark ideas.
We recommend reading them one day at a time (so you can look at them with fresh eyes each time) and writing down any book titles that come to mind. Book titles should ideally be 5 words or less (not including the subtitle).
Think about the core of your book.
What is your book really about? Is there an underlying theme? What is the dilemma?
Look over your manuscript.
Are there any lines that stand out? Any compelling parts of a conversation from the characters?
Add a viewpoint.
How do your characters see themselves? What ideas does your book present?
Think about the visuals.
Is there a special person, place, or thing? Can you describe its uniqueness?
Be cryptic.
Grab your readers’ attention with some mystery. It could be something of meaning with no explanation, a question, or the main theme as a predicament.
Switch up the words.
Try exchanging a typical word for an uncommon word.