robot hand reaching out to human hand; How to Use Grammarly as a Writer
The Writing Process

How to Use Grammarly as a Writer

robot hand reaching out to human hand; How to Use Grammarly as a Writer

Writing a book is not only a monumental task, but it’s also an incredibly rewarding experience. It involves meticulous attention to detail, especially when it comes to grammar, punctuation, and writing style. In today’s digital age, where technology has revolutionized the way we work, there are countless tools and resources available to assist writers in their creative journey.

One such tool that has gained immense popularity among writers is Grammarly. It’s a powerful writing assistant that helps improve the overall quality of any written work. With its advanced algorithms and comprehensive features, Grammarly detects grammar and spelling errors and also suggests enhancements to vocabulary, clarity, and sentence structure. Whether you are a seasoned author or an aspiring writer, the program may be a valuable companion in your quest for impeccable writing.

Grammarly has a user-friendly interface and provides real-time feedback to make it an indispensable tool for anyone looking to enhance their writing skills and produce polished content.

In this article we’ll discuss what Grammarly is, how writers can use it when drafting their manuscripts, and how it can’t be used.

What is Grammarly?

Grammarly is an advanced writing assistant that goes beyond simple spell-check and grammar correction. Instead, it’s an AI-powered tool that helps people enhance their writing by providing real-time suggestions for improving the clarity, conciseness, and overall readability of a piece of writing. The program is available as a web application, browser extension, and even a Microsoft Word add-in, which makes it easily accessible to writers across many platforms.

How Does Grammarly Help If I’m Writing a Book?

When it comes to writing a book, having a reliable writing companion like Grammarly can enhance your writing process. Not only does Grammarly assist you in crafting a polished and error-free manuscript, but it also provides suggestions and insights that may help improve your writing in various ways. Here are three ways Grammarly can improve your writing in a manuscript:

  1. Grammar and Spelling: Grammarly’s advanced grammar-checking capabilities reduce grammatical and spelling mistakes because the program adheres to proper grammar rules. By catching common errors, such as subject-verb agreement, punctuation errors, and incorrect word usage, Grammarly helps you maintain a professional and polished writing style throughout your manuscript.
  2. Style and Tone: Writing a book involves maintaining a consistent style and tone that resonates with your target audience. Grammarly help you in achieving this goal. By providing suggestions for sentence structure, word choice, and tone adjustments, Grammarly helps you maintain a cohesive writing style. It can also identify repetitive words or phrases, which enables you to diversify your writing.
  3. Clarity and Readability: Ensuring that your book is clear and easily understandable is essential. Grammarly uses a readability analysis to determine the clarity of your writing. The analysis helps you identify difficult-to-read sentence structures, long paragraphs, and wordy sentences that may hinder readability.

What Doesn’t Grammarly Help with?

While Grammarly is an exceptional tool for improving your writing, it’s important to note its limitations. There are a few areas where Grammarly is not as effective:

  1. Plot and Story Development: Grammarly primarily focuses on the technical aspects of writing, such as grammar, spelling, and style. When it comes to developing a compelling plot, crafting well-rounded character arcs, or establishing a solid story structure, however, Grammarly falls short. To ensure that these crucial elements are well-executed, it’s advisable to seek feedback from beta readers, engage in writing groups, or consult with professional editors.
  2. Contextual Understanding: While Grammarly can offer suggestions for enhancing sentence structure and word choice, it may not always grasp the specific context or intent behind your writing. So, it’s important to critically review Grammarly’s suggestions and ensure they align with your intended message. By doing so, you can maintain the integrity and clarity of your original writing.

Grammarly Is Not a Replacement for Professional Editing

While Grammarly is a powerful tool for improving the more technical aspects of your writing, it’s important to note that it shouldn’t be regarded as a complete replacement for professional editing services. As helpful as the program can be in detecting various grammar and style issues, it’s not able to identify more subtle errors or provide the same level of comprehensive editing that a skilled human editor can deliver.

We highly recommend that you consider investing in a full edit completed by a professional editor. Using an editor guarantees that your book undergoes a thorough and meticulous review, which ensures that every aspect is carefully examined and enhanced to its fullest potential.


Grammarly is an invaluable tool for writers embarking on the journey of writing a book. Its advanced grammar checking, style suggestions, and readability analysis can help you craft a polished and engaging manuscript. However, it’s important to recognize its limitations and seek additional support, such as feedback from beta readers or professional editing, to ensure your book reaches its full potential.


Erika Bennett is the Content Manager for Xulon Press. She has worked in the publishing industry for more than a decade and her passion is to make sure great books find their way into readers' hands. You can also find her writing on

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