• How to Use Grammarly as a Writer

    Writing a book is not only a monumental task, but it’s also an incredibly rewarding experience. It involves meticulous attention to detail, especially when it comes to grammar, punctuation, and writing style. In today’s digital age, where technology has revolutionized the way we work, there are countless tools and resources available to assist writers in their creative journey. One such tool that has gained immense popularity among writers is Grammarly. It’s a powerful writing assistant that helps improve the overall quality of any written work. With its advanced algorithms and comprehensive features, Grammarly detects grammar and spelling errors and also…

  • The Making of a Memoir Part 3: It’s All About Structure

    This is the third and final post in a series all about writing your memoir. You can find helpful tips in the first post about getting started and the second post about brainstorming. Tangling with structure is about as common a writing problem as you can get. However, when you are writing about your own life it can be even trickier. You are looking at sets of events from the inside, all too close to see them with any different perspective. A single event can be told from lots of angles, but your job is to pluck events that defined…

  • 5 Apps & Websites That Bestselling Authors Can’t Live Without

    Do you need help finding that perfect word, simplifying your sentences, or discovering inspiration? There is a website or desktop app to help, and they aren’t just for those tech-savvy friends who are always glued to their e-readers.Website and app developers have built some wonderfully helpful resources for you to be a better, faster, cleaner writer. It’s all the same information & research that an old-school, bestselling author relies on—right at your fingertips, in an instant, via the best apps and websites for writers. Whether you prefer a Ticonderoga or a stylus, you’ll love these new-school writing resources!   1.) Hemingway App  This…