It's time to check in on the current season and also prepare for the new one. We've compiled a list of 5 summer sale ideas for your book...
Marketing Your Book

Summer Sale Ideas for Your Book

It's time to check in on the current season and also prepare for the new one. We've compiled a list of 5 summer sale ideas for your book...

The end of summer can tend to be a busy time for writers. This is because it’s time to check in on the current season and also prepare for the new one. A summer sale is a great way to encourage sales and make sure you meet those season sales goals while also figuring out a Fall marketing plan.

To lighten the load on you, we’ve compiled a list of 5 summer sale ideas. If your book makes for an appropriate summer read, these are sure to inspire a sales campaign perfect for the remaining summer.

Here are a few summer sale ideas for your book:

Social Media Campaign

“Take a picture reading [Book Title] this summer and tag the author to receive a prize [or entry to giveaway] (e.g. we’ll send free [Book Title] t-shirt to the first 30 entries!)”

You can also instruct the readers to use a special hashtag when they post the picture to keep easier track of the entries. This type of interaction can encourage book sales and increase the author’s online following. Participant’s social media following will essentially be seeing ads for the book all summer. Even readers who may already own the audiobook or ebook could be encouraged to invest in a physical copy and participate themselves.

All-Month Sale

“30% Off [Book Title] Book, eBook, Audiobook, and Merch During the Last 30 Days of Summer!” (Aug. 22 – Sep. 22, 2021)

Does your book make for a perfect #summerread or #beachread? Emphasize that with a big sale! The discount and length of sale are at your full discretion; 30% on the last 30 days of summer is just one idea!

Weekend Sales

  • Weekend Labor Day Sale! (Sep. 3 – Sep. 6, 2021)
  • Last Weekend of Summer Sale! (Sep. 17 – Sep. 21, 2021)
  • Just Because! (Whenever)

Labor Day signals the end of summer for many. Because of that, that weekend is a popular time to shop and celebrate in the sun. If your book would make for a great #beachread that weekend, use this as a marketing tool!

1-Day Sales

  • Labor Day Sale! (Sep. 6, 2021)
  • Last Day of Summer Sale! (Sep. 21, 2021)


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