What else can you offer besides your own book to make a giveaway more interesting or fresh? Here are some giveaway examples to help inspire you: 1...
Marketing Your Book

Giveaway Ideas For Indie Authors

What else can you offer besides your own book to make a giveaway more interesting or fresh? Here are some giveaway examples to help inspire you: 1...

Giving away a copy of your own book is a classic giveaway for authors. But what else can you offer to make your giveaway more interesting or fresh?

Giveaways are a great tactic for authors to use to promote their books. Because it’s an exchange for taking an action you specify — for example, to enter you must be following the author on social media, tag two friends in the comments, and share the post — both the reader and the author get something out of it.

Here are some giveaway ideas to help inspire you.

Book Bundle With Multiple Authors.

When multiple authors join forces for a giveaway, the prize tends to be more interesting. Multiple free books are better than one; not to mention the variety in stories or genres they’ll receive from bundling different authors. This is an opportunity to network with other indie authors alike on social media and cross-promote your work on each other’s platforms. Each author promotes the giveaway to their fans with pre-discussed tactics, and each author gives away a bundle to their audience — it’s a win-win!

Advanced Copy of  Your Next Book.

This is a great way to create hype around your latest book release. You could even ask the winner to share their thoughts on the book with a video clip or social media post afterward to keep the buzz going.

Signed and Annotated Books.

Give readers a new experience while reading your book by annotating it! You could include fun facts or behind the scenes to give the readers more insight into the process of creating your book. Top it off with a special message to the winner and your autograph on the book.

You Can’t Go Wrong With Merch.

Bookmarks, mugs, shirts, stickers, signed posters–you name it. It’s always a good idea to give away your book merch to readers. It makes readers excited, plus its free advertising when they’re walking around with your book cover on their shirt.


Have any other giveaway ideas? Comment them below!

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