• How to Write Your Life Story

    One aspect of writing that I love is when we stop to look inward at ourselves. We take note of the choices we’ve made in our lives and they present a multitude of stories to tell. Most writers don’t think it is that easy. I have received a lot of messages over the years from writers who say, “No one knows me, why would they care about my story?” And, “I’m not a professional writer, so I don’t know how to get my story on paper.” I’ve said the same thing to each one of those writers, and I’m saying…

  • Writing a Great Author Bio

    Your manuscript is done. It has been through the rewrite and revision, beta reading, and editing processes. You can see the finish line, and you are so ready to feel the sense of accomplishment that comes with crossing over that invisible line. Then, your dreams come to screeching halt! Your publisher asks you to submit your author bio. For a moment, you consider tossing the whole idea of becoming an author out the window because of one paragraph. I get it—the idea of having to write about yourself and your accomplishments seems hard. Instead, let’s look at author bios as…

  • How to Marie Kondo Your Writing

    Maybe you read her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing or you watched her series on Netflix. Either way, you’ve likely heard of the esteemed, Marie Kondo. She’s pretty popular these days for her ability to help families de-clutter and organize their homes. Her intention is to help families keep only the items that spark joy. While watching the series on Netflix, I wondered if Kondo’s methods for tidying living spaces also applies to writing. Episode after episode, I studied the underlying structures that facilitate change and the emotional responses of the…

  • Writers and Websites: The Importance of Owning Your Brand on the Internet

      The internet is a fascinating place. We can shop online and receive our items in as little as two days. We can complete book research easier than ever, explore new places without buying a plane ticket. And thanks to social media, we can even meet new people and build entire communities of support. If you ask me, the internet can be a pretty great place—especially for writers. Credibility is king these days, and anyone who doesn’t have a website is in direct competition with those who do. Case in point, I’ll often try a new restaurant that has a…