The Writing Process

Still Dreaming of Writing a Book? Here’s How To Do It In 30 Days.

November is a busy month for writers: it’s National Novel Writing Month, also known as NanoWriMo.

What happens during NanoWriMo? Simple: to celebrate the only official book-writing month of the year, writers are encouraged to spend 30 days putting their fingers to the keyboard, completing a 50,000 word book by November 30th.

One month. Boom. Done. You’re one step (a first draft) closer to becoming a published author.

If you have struggled with finding the time and discipline to finish your book, this is one of the easiest ways to jump those hurdles. Your word count can vary from day-to-day, but you will write an average of 1,667 words per day—a totally manageable number.

Throughout the month, we’ll be sharing tools, tips and tricks to finally getting your book done. We’re here to encourage you through the process!

2015 is wrapping up. How much would you love starting 2016 by telling your friends and family that you finally wrote that book?

Happy #NanoWriMo,

Erika Bennett

NanoWriMo Calendar from Xulon Press

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Erika Bennett is the Content Manager for Xulon Press. She has worked in the publishing industry for more than a decade and her passion is to make sure great books find their way into readers' hands. You can also find her writing on

12 Comments on “Still Dreaming of Writing a Book? Here’s How To Do It In 30 Days.

    1. Hi Godwin, the best way to discipline yourself to write on a regular basis is to make calendar appointments with yourself and keep the date. Decide how many hours a week you want to dedicate to writing and research for your book, and then schedule them on days that are convenient for you. If you’re feeling uninspired during a scheduled block of time, use it for research you need to develop your book or as a free write session. Some of the best ideas come from free writes when we stop trying to force the thoughts in our head.

      As for the guidance to put thoughts down coherently; you’ll definitely want a chapter outline for your book first. Much like there needs to be a blue print for a home before it can be built—writers need an outline for their book before it is written. It’ll help keep you on theme, it’ll help keep you from taking readers down a rabbit-hole, and it’ll help direct you to the finish line.

      The most important piece of advice I can give is to NOT look at writing a book as writing a book—that’s far too overwhelming.. Look at it as small writing projects. Start with setting your time and keep those appointments with yourself. The word count doesn’t matter. Then, when you’re comfortable with those time slots, start challenging yourself to meet a set word count in each sitting. You’ll be surprised how quickly you can write a book when you stay committed to the project.

  1. I have 31,284 words of my book done and would like to get it done before November is over…I need some kind of motivation, and this month thing sounds like what I need to get over the hump and finish it

    1. Rev. Griffith Jr.

      That’s so exciting! 31,284 words is a huge achievement already! The best thing to do is continue to put writing time on your calendar and keep the date with yourself and the computer. Even if it’s only an hour a day or every other day—one, distraction free, hour is enough time to get some great content out of your head and on paper.

      We’d love to see you done with your book at the end of November, and be able to celebrate the accomplishment with you! Prep the coffee-maker, schedule your time, and we’ll see you at the finish line my friend! God bless!

  2. Thanks for this information and the comments you posted. I’ll get my writing calendar started along with my outline.

    These are great tools to helping aspiring authors get started!

    1. Hi Charlotte,

      I’m so glad to hear the information has been beneficial to you. We’re always dishing out lots of writing and editing tips, so check back often. If you ever run into a specific question, don’t hesitate to leave a comment! We’re always here to help. Keep us updated on your progress!

      Blessings to you,

  3. My book is as complete as I can make it due to the subject matter: Miracles in my Life. Miracles continue but the problem is that it is 90,000 words and I am finding it hard to cut down to 50,000 words. I don’t know what to cut and how to leave out details on those included. I need to set a definite time to deal with the cuts each day and express myself more concisely. It is taking ait if prayer for God’s help. Pray for me!
    Proverbs 3:5, 6

    1. Hi Carolyn,

      The 50,000 word average applies more toward fiction novels and it sounds like yours is a non-fiction book. Cutting words is a good idea, as there is always a more concise way to get information to your reader. Focus more on cutting unnecessary words like: that, really, very, and any other extraneous words. Also, check for passive voice; we have a blog post coming soon on this. Passive voice is when your verb typically ends in -ing and is accompanied by “was”. An example would be, “I was walking,” which could be revised to, “I walked”. Making small changes like that go a long way.

      You’ve got this, and God is there to guide you. Plus, you’ve got us in your corner as well.

      Blessings to you,

  4. i am Ethiopia and i can not write word in the day 50.000 because English is my second language but may my god help me i will start i am very interest to benign write English I am not start even Amharic or tigrina language but I will tray .please help me?

    from rkal

  5. I had never desired to write a book, letter or even a note for that matter. Once I did decide to follow the prompts of various significant people in my life I set a date of September 1, 2015.

    Well I kept the date and on October 31st I signed with XULON. On November 3rd I had a manuscript sent in for review. Now I beleive by December 1st I will finalize a 40K word manuscript for print.

    So yes, all of suggestions are spot on. Thank you for the motivation and guidance.

    God is faithful to complete what He had begun.

    A. David Griffin

    1. Pastor Griffin,

      I LOVE hearing this! We are so happy to have you as part of the Xulon family and can’t wait to celebrate at the finish line with you!! God is definitely faithful!


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