• How to Write a Book While Working Full-Time

    We all have daily commitments like full-time jobs, families, friends, volunteering, and more. With careful planning and time management, it’s possible to incorporate writing time into your busy schedule and even meet your personal writing goals. It’s important to remember that writing is a process and your progress won’t always be linear. Some days you may feel like your thoughts are overflowing with creativity while other days you may struggle to get words onto paper. Be gentle with yourself and don’t give up when the going gets tough. Keep showing up at your designated writing time and trust that the…

  • Boost Your Productivity for the Last 60 Days of 2021

    As the holiday months start to wind up, we can all feel that 2021 is starting to wind down. Take a peek back at your list of goals and resolutions you made for this year. Are you as far along as you’d hoped you’d be on accomplishing your 2021 goals? If not, have no fear! You still have 60 days left in the year to make as much headway as possible. Using January 1st, 2022 as the goal mark, your last 60 days of the year start on November 2nd, 2021. Finding the right frame of mind to focus these last…