• The Best First Lines of Fiction

    By your side is a ratty notebook, bruised black and blue with the smeared ink of furiously scribbled ideas that came to you at midnight, dotted with translucence from the epiphany you had about your villain, while still wet from a shower.  You’ve finally decided to write the story that has been stirring around in your heart and mind—now what do you start typing on that blank page facing you? How do you introduce readers to the crazy, beautiful world in your head?  Starting a novel is tricky, but those first few lines are vital to your book. The characters, setting,…

  • The End: Finishing Your Novel

    By the time writers find themselves writing the ending to their story, they are 80,000 words—if not more—into their story. After months or years of getting their story on paper, writers may feel burned out, ready to be done, and wanting to be onto their next project. The downside of that, however, is that a novel’s ending needs a lot of attention to avoid leaving readers dissatisfied or thinking the writer took an easier route to tie the plot points together. That’s why finishing your novel on a strong note is important. The ending needs to be just as strong—or…

  • Rise of the Hero: Writing the Hero’s Journey Arc

    Imagine this. A youth who lives a carefree life is suddenly thrust into a situation where they must leave behind everything they know to embark on a journey full of uncertainties and dangers to accomplish a specific task. Along the way, they meet companions and other unusual characters who either aid them or try to stand in their way. The events that unravel during this journey all lead up to one ultimate decision, one ultimate goal to make what had ultimately gone wrong right again. The youth succeeds, becoming a hero in the process, and they are rewarded with the…

  • Release Your Fiction Book During the Summer to See Higher Sales

    Fiction books with summer release dates see higher sales because it’s the time of year when many readers have more free time, and the season naturally lends to leisure and relaxation. But how do you make sure your fiction book is ready to be released a year from now? In this article, we will go over what books do well with a summer release, how long it takes to write the first draft of a novel, the recommended timeline to follow if you want to release your novel in the summer, and questions to ask yourself now to have your…