• How Your Book is Also Your Magazine Pitch

    Writing for a magazine might not have been the first thing you considered when you decided to write a book. But did you know there have been countless authors that were once journalists before they released award-winning books? Not to mention, using your new book as a magazine pitch could also grant you a new career path in publications.  When pitching to a magazine you should have an important reason in mind about why you’re the one who’s meant to write that specific piece. Ideally, the piece you’re pitching should relate to your book in some way. Writing for a…

  • 5 Easy Steps to an Elevator Pitch

    If you’re envisioning three tech guys talking about how their startup is going to be the next big thing, you’re in luck– because this isn’t about that kind of pitch. While pitching sometimes gets a bad rap, it’s important to be able to convey the message of your work quickly, clearly and concisely. An elevator pitch, which is typically presented in sixty seconds or less, challenges self-promoters to get to the point of their presentations, while effectively including all of the most pertinent information. Will the next person you talk to about your book have a stopwatch to time your…