• Household Hacks: How to Keep the Resolutions You Made

    There’s so much advice on New Years resolutions, but at the risk of stating the obvious, the start is only the beginning. Everyone understands the concept of making New Years resolutions, but we all have trouble actually going through with them. The main consensus seems to be that the only way to truly change is to be very lazy about it. You read that right—lazy. Do nothing more than roll them out in microscopic bits. For example, if you want to form the habit of flossing your teeth, start with flossing one tooth. Work your way up to two, then…

  • Personal Development and Prose: Why Finishing Your Novel is More Important Than You Realize

    So you’ve been waiting to jot down your story. You’ve spent days, even months planning what you’d write once you decide to write, but find yourself opting out. When you make excuses you are creating self-limiting beliefs and habits, cultivating a quitter mentality. When you procrastinate and find things to do aside writing, investigate why you haven’t committed to your craft. If you are inspiration parched, join a local group that will nurture following through. Complete more research on your topic, or be sure to find a subject you’re truly passionate about. Many writers experience blockages and discover problems with…

  • Author of the Month: Mary Hinson

    It is our pleasure to share a truly inspirational story that just may touch the heart strings. The Xulon Press Successful Author Spotlight showcases a first time author, at age 84, Mary Hinson, who enlisted the help of her family members to write her book “God’s Word for Beginners of All Ages”. It is truly a family project – Mary had the whole family involved – even her daughter-in-law and sisters helped because Mary doesn’t own a computer, so she leaned on her family to type up her book, which was originally done years ago for her family members only.…

  • What’s Your Excuse?

    I work for Xulon Press as a Publishing Consultant. People call in from all over the world; I’m the guy on the other end of the phone that listens to their ideas and takes the time to consult with them. I encourage them; I partner with them and help fulfill their dream of writing and publishing their book. It is the first time most of them ever really consider themselves as an author, which is a significant accomplishment. I have been in the trenches with thousands of aspiring authors. I ask them what’s holding them back. I even coined a…