Mr. Edgar Harrell, retired Cpl., US Marine Corps, and a Survivor of the USS Indianapolis spoke at the Brown County High School Veterans Day Program about the incident of the sinking of the ship and the heroic ordeal of the surviving crew members. Edgar Harrell is the subject of the Xulon Press book Out of the Depths – A Survivor’s Story of the Sinking of the USS Indianapolis, written by his son David Harrell. Like so many stories surrounding World War II where fact is stranger than fiction, Out of the Depths is a terrifying firsthand account of the sinking of the…
Known as “Papa Joe” to the hundreds of inner-city families he helps, Xulon Press author Joe Bradford has a powerful testimony that reads like a movie. Today his story comes to the big screen via Unconditional – a film based on Papa Joe’s book A Walk of Love and as inspiring as Papa Joe’s ministry. Looking for some inspiration this weekend? Then head to the movies and experience UNCONDITIONAL as it opens in theaters across the United States! The book that inspired the movie Please check out the Xulon Press bookstore for additional information on A Walk of Love, the…
Xulon Press author Brenda Medley will be a guest speaker tomorrow at the National Black Caucus in Washington, DC. She will be signing copies of her book, Dealing with Life’s Issues – Can You Handle the Pressures of Life?, following the event. Brenda has been asked to speak to the audience of 3,500 because she was nominated by someone in her church who had submitted a copy of her book as a surprise. Congratulations, Brenda! Learn more about Brenda Medley’s book and get ordering information by visiting the Xulon Press Bookstore. Book Summary We all experience various issues in our…