Make it happen - New Years Resolution
The Writing Process

Make It Happen!

A long time ago, someone told me that New Year’s resolutions are easy to make, but keeping them is completely different. They weren’t lying. I’ve made and broken more resolutions in my life than I can keep track, but within the past few years I’ve discovered the key to sticking with my resolutions. You see, the goals we set mean something to us; otherwise we wouldn’t make them goals. It’s important to dig a little deeper into why certain goals were selected; it’s there that we’ll find the true driving force behind a particular goal and why it’s important to us. Once we hone in on what makes a goal important, we instantly become more connected to that goal and are more motivated to accomplish it.

Make it happen - New Year's ResolutionsIs one of your goals to write a book in 2014? Why? When you write down your New Year’s resolutions, make notes under each one describing why it’s important to finish that goal this year. Do you want to share a particular message with people? Do you want to put down your family’s history for your grandchildren? Are you a master chef with amazing recipes that should be enjoyed in households around the world? Whatever your reason is, write it down.

As writers, most of us depend on a new year to jumpstart our motivation to either start writing our book or to finish writing our book. By February, however, we’ve fallen off the wagon and the manuscript begins to collect dust (proverbially speaking). Here at Xulon Press, we know all about falling off the writing bandwagon and know just how difficult it can be to get back on and keep going. We have several writers among our staff; some are trying to finish their manuscripts, while others have already made it through the publishing process and have their books in print. So, wherever you are in your writing process, we’re right there next to you blazing the trail as well.

Since it is the month of resolutions, we’ve put together blog posts to inspire, interviews with other authors who’ve made it to the finish line and tips to move past writer’s block. Needless to say, we’ve got you covered on the motivation front. Check back throughout the month for these posts:

What’s Your Excuse?

Personal Development and Prose: Why Finishing Your Novel is More Important Than You Think

Fighting and Overcoming Writer’s Block from a First-Time Writer

Muse, Inc. Where the story comes from

Household Hacks: How to Keep the Resolutions You Make

12 Reasons to Write A Book in 2014



Erika Bennett is the Content Manager for Xulon Press. She has worked in the publishing industry for more than a decade and her passion is to make sure great books find their way into readers' hands. You can also find her writing on

4 Comments on “Make It Happen!

  1. Erika, timely, important reminder. Love that you are trying to help others overcome their lifelong obstacles. Took 30 years to write my book’s first sentence. Two more to finish writing, And two more to get the guts to publish… with Xulon Press! 🙂

    Best thing to overcome the fear was connecting with Rene Compton. Everyone else at Xulon Press has been awesome too.

    1. Jeff,

      You will most definitely like the next blog post we have scheduled for this week. One of our consultants, Peter Lopez, wrote it and it’s all about the excuses we make for not doing something and he admits just how long it’s taken him to write his own book. It’s amazing just how many of us struggle to accomplish the goals set on our hearts; the good thing is we are all in it together and can lean on others when we need a boost of confidence, motivation and support. We always look forward to hearing from you! Happy New Year!

  2. I understand the fact that we need to get back into the thick of things and follow our dreams. Once you have been through this experience and have written your first book, you realize the tremendous competition there is out there and you start to get the Heebie Jeebies in the parallelogram( I don’t know what it means, Mum used to say it to us). I think it means you get concerned that what you can do, or are doing is not good enough. Really the competive nature is within ourselves. God doesn’t expect mediocrity He wants excellence as that is Who He is, an over -the-top God. A God Who is more than enough and we are made in His image
    These blogs that the writers receive through Xulon , are so good and so helpful. I appreciate everyone of them. Thank you.
    My decision has been made now it is follow through time
    We are all precious in His eyes so I’m going with that!
    Our journey is a purpose. With God all things are possible as it is written in the Bible.
    God Bless.
    Thanks for encouraging me to share my thoughts.
    Next book??? Decision has been made. I need your prayers. Barbara L. Vanderstel
    Canadian author of “A Book Of LOVE”

    1. Barbara,

      You are so right! The competition/self-consciousness we concern ourselves with, all too often, does come more from within than any outside source. Our own opinions of our work makes it very easy to come up with excuses to quit. I’m so glad we’ve been able to touch your heart and that you’ve decided to write another book. You have the support and prayers from everyone here at Xulon and whenever you need a little pick-me-up, we’re here for that too! If there’s ever a particular question you run into along the way (writing/editing or any thing) don’t hesitate to comment on one of our blog posts or Facebook page and we’ll get you the answer. On a side note, I also love working “Heebie Jeebies” into a sentence or conversation. Happy New Years and God bless!

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