Sylvia Plath once said, “the worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.” We all have a hopeful goal of an achievement we think will finally get rid of that self-doubt once and for all. “If I become a bestseller,” “If I sell out,” “If I get a positive review,” “If I win an award,” and on and on. But the truth is every writer has self-doubt. No success will ever fully eliminate that inner critic. Even author Stephen King once said, “I’m afraid of failing at whatever story I’m writing—that it won’t come up for me, or that I won’t be able…
At some point in writing your manuscript you’ll be faced with the decision of where you want your chapter breaks to go. How you end your chapter is especially important in a novel. By beginning and ending them in the perfect moments of your story, your chapter breaks can build suspense and keep your readers reading. For some, deciding where chapters end might be a challenging decision. Whether this is you or not, these next few tips for ending chapters are sure to be helpful for your next writing session: Don’t Include Chapters In Your Outline. A lot of writers…
In the publishing world, a short story normally refers to fiction and they come in varying shapes and sizes: Traditional: 1,500-5000 words Flash Fiction: 500-1,000 words Micro Fiction: 5-350 words Writing a short story can sometimes be more difficult than writing a full novel. This is because you have to captivate your readers, take them on a journey to a different world, create character and story depth, all in under 5,000 words. Because of this, short stories should begin as close to the climax as possible. Here are a few tips for writing a captivating short story: 1. Use the…
Time, energy, and good writing space are all we really need to be able to focus and be productive. It’s important to have a dedicated writing space at home because it signals to your brain that it’s time to write every time you’re in that space. If you tend to bounce around the house a lot as you write and feel unproductive, try creating a space exclusive for your writing. It doesn’t have to be fancy or even have a door. Your space only needs a few items to promote writing productivity. Tips for designing a productive writing space: …