• How to Write Your Life Story

    One aspect of writing that I love is when we stop to look inward at ourselves. We take note of the choices we’ve made in our lives and they present a multitude of stories to tell. Most writers don’t think it is that easy. I have received a lot of messages over the years from writers who say, “No one knows me, why would they care about my story?” And, “I’m not a professional writer, so I don’t know how to get my story on paper.” I’ve said the same thing to each one of those writers, and I’m saying…

  • Finding the Balance Between Working and Writing

    Take a moment and think of your favorite author. Without even knowing who you selected, I can say with 95% confidence that they had to work a full-time job while writing his or her first or first few books. Writing begins as a passion project for almost all of us and learning how to balance it with all of our other responsibilities is one of the most challenging aspects of writing. Think about it. If we had all day to sit around and write—no work or family responsibilities—we’d be able to crank out at least two books a year. In…

  • Pushing Through the Middle: Reviving Your Fiction Story

    When writing fiction, oftentimes the middle is where most writers hit a wall and do one of two things: they quit or they keep going. The middle, however, is no place to give up. Instead, it’s time to hone in on what you can do to make the middle zone the best it can be. Every story is made up of three parts: a beginning, middle, and end. The beginning will always be the easiest part to write. Like your story, you are full of momentum and excitement and the beginning can thrive off those two motivations alone. The same…

  • Writing Sprints: What They Are, How to Do Them, and Why You Should!

    There are two writing woes that affect our writing more than than anything else—writer’s block, and editing when we should be freeform writing. Sometimes writing prompts can help infuse life back into a dry spell, but the newest writing trend is an activity called writing sprints (also known as word sprints), and they can actually help with both writer’s block and taming our inner editors. What Are Writing Sprints? Writing sprints are short bursts of focused writing time that can be done alone or with a group. Twitter and Instagram are also growing in popularity for writing sprints. Anyone can…