• The Best Publications for Writers

    Finding good writing isn’t hard, but finding a regular publication you can rely on can be. A publication that delivers high-quality writing and expert writing tips. Of course, the internet is full of tips for writers. But magazines and various publications that focus on creative living and writing help, for all types of writing situations, shouldn’t be overlooked. To help you find new inspiration for the year, we’ve compiled a list of great resources. You’ll often find these at your favorite store or can subscribe to have them delivered straight to your home. New England Review This publication always includes works…

  • Post-Writing Blues

    Disclosure If you or any other person have concerns about depression you should consult with your health care provider immediately. The opinions and views expressed on this blog and website have no relation to those of any academic, hospital, health practice, or other governing institution.   What Is Post-Writing Blues? You did it! You finished writing your book and a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders. So, why do you feel … down? Post-writing blues, which is also referred to as post-creation depression, can creep in at the end of a long creative journey. All creative types—writers, singers, dancers,…

  • Writing Through the Winter Blues

    You don’t have to live in Alaska to feel the effect of the winter blues. If you live in the south, the lack of daylight after work can be enough to throw off your mood. Where most could hunker down and cozy up inside until spring, if you’re a writer you may need to push through your winter blues in order to keep creating. But how do you keep writing if you aren’t feeling chipper? Some days aren’t meant to be pushed through; if you’re having a bad day let yourself have a bad day. Drink enough water, do something…

  • 5 Tips for Writing Christmas Letters

    With most of the world still practicing social distancing, Christmas letters, cards, or emails are the way to go this year. Looking for ways to spice up the same-old, typical Christmas greeting? Try these tips for a sparkling holiday letter. 1. Begin on a positive note. Make sure your Christmas letters start with a cheerful bang, not the common statement about how quick the year has gone by. Even a typical “Holiday greetings from the Blank family!” is a better opener than the traditional cry about the passage of time. 2. Keep it short and sweet. Keep your Christmas letter short,…