• Inspire Your Writing with the Colors of Summer

    With the arrival of summer, we are greeted by a burst of lively colors that breathe life into our daily lives It’s the season where we trade in our cozy sweaters for breezy attire and immerse ourselves in a vast array of bright, fun colors. These colors have the power to ignite our imaginations and stir up a myriad of emotions, paving the way for unique and captivating stories. In this month’s writing prompt, we want to inspire your writing by presenting five quintessential summer colors that have the potential to spark a flurry of creative thoughts and narratives. Pull…

  • How to Eliminate Distractions When Writing

    Whether you are a professional writer or looking to make time to write your first book, eliminating distractions is a key element of your success. With family responsibilities, work, and technology, we are constantly bombarded with distractions, which makes it difficult to focus on our writing time. The good news is that several effective strategies can help you eliminate distractions and stay focused while writing. In today’s article, we’re discussing 10 tips to help you stay on track and produce your best work. 10 Ways to Eliminate Distractions When Writing Let’s jump into our recommendations: 1. Find a hideaway in…

  • 5 Strategies for Overcoming Writer’s Block

    You’ve come so far in your writer’s journey. You’ve taken on the challenge of writing a book, carved out time in your schedule to make your dream a reality, and begun giving your thoughts life. Now, you hear a faint knocking on the page where you’ve left off, and sure enough, an unwanted visitor has made an appearance. Overcoming writer’s block is one of the biggest annoyances in the business, so we’re bringing you five strategies to get you to put pen to paper again. 1. Slow Down in Silence As a writer, it’s understandable when your book has taken…

  • 7 Tips To Stay Creative

    Every-day life routines can start feeling mundane after a while. And if you’re like many of us, quarantining at home due to the current global pandemic COVID-19, life at home will definitely start feeling tedious pretty soon (if it’s not already). It’s important to shake things up a bit to stay sharp and full of fresh ideas. We’re constantly writing new stories and trying to find the next big hit, but after a while, it can become challenging to do something new. In order to raise your level of expertise, authority, and innovation as a writer, you have to become…