• Inspire Your Writing with the Colors of Summer

    With the arrival of summer, we are greeted by a burst of lively colors that breathe life into our daily lives It’s the season where we trade in our cozy sweaters for breezy attire and immerse ourselves in a vast array of bright, fun colors. These colors have the power to ignite our imaginations and stir up a myriad of emotions, paving the way for unique and captivating stories. In this month’s writing prompt, we want to inspire your writing by presenting five quintessential summer colors that have the potential to spark a flurry of creative thoughts and narratives. Pull…

  • Set and Meet Summer Writing Goals

    A common challenge a writer can face is that there’s no one to tell them what to do, when to do it, how to do it, or even if they’ve done it well. That’s why setting writing goals to keep yourself accountable is so important. And with summer officially beginning this weekend, now’s the perfect time to set them. Before we get started on tips for setting goals, it’s important to understand goals first. For example, while some may yearn to become a millionaire novelist, that’s not a goal — it’s a dream. And the only way you’ll achieve dreams…