• How to Write a Captivating Short Story

    According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a short story is defined as an invented narrative that’s shorter than a novel, deals with a few characters, and often concentrates on the creation of mood rather than plot. A short story can come in varying shapes and sizes: Traditional: 1,500-5000 words Flash Fiction: 500-1,000 words Micro Fiction: 5-350 words Writing a short story can sometimes be more difficult than writing a full novel. You have to captivate your readers, take them on a journey to a different world, and create character and story depth, all in under 5,000 words. That is why your first…

  • Tips for Writing a Captivating Short Story

    In the publishing world, a short story normally refers to fiction and they come in varying shapes and sizes: Traditional: 1,500-5000 words Flash Fiction: 500-1,000 words Micro Fiction: 5-350 words Writing a short story can sometimes be more difficult than writing a full novel. This is because you have to captivate your readers, take them on a journey to a different world, create character and story depth, all in under 5,000 words. Because of this, short stories should begin as close to the climax as possible.  Here are a few tips for writing a captivating short story: 1. Use the…

  • Start Small: How to Write a Short Story

    If you’re just dipping your toes into the writing world, starting with a full-length novel or nonfiction book may feel overwhelming. Short stories allow you to get a feel for composing a story with a beginning, middle, and end. It also helps you tackle character development and a thorough plot structure without having to devote hundreds of hours to an 80,000-word manuscript. Short stories can also help pay attention to the complexities that come with the necessity of succinct word choice and help you hone your writing style and tone. The Basics of a Short Story Here are 5 simple…

  • We’ve Endorsed These 5 Writing Prompts to Make You a Better Writer

    Setting aside time each day for reading and writing is a highly effective method for honing your writing skills. What if you find it difficult to dedicate time to write lengthy paragraphs every day? Or perhaps you’re dealing with a case of writer’s block? Writing prompts and exercises are quick and effortless ways to work writing into your daily schedule. Plus, they can supply a dose of creativity and inspiration you need for an upcoming major writing endeavor. Let’s take a look at the 5 writing prompts we’re sharing today: 1. Give It Life Pick an inanimate object that you…