• Writing a Book About Your Life

    You have been through it all—the ups, the downs, and everything in between. Now, you want to take your experiences and all you’ve learned and write a book about your life. After all, your life holds meaning and purpose, so telling it can help others find theirs. But where do you start? Writing a piece that dwells on pivotal moments in your life, reflecting on their importance, and telling your story can inspire readers and help them understand what it means to walk in your shoes. Keep reading to learn more about how to write a book about your life.…

  • How to Write a Memoir: Your Personal Story Is Powerful

    We all experience life in different ways. We come from different backgrounds. We make different decisions. We choose different paths, careers, friends, and more. Those choices give us each unique life experiences that are only ours. That automatically makes your life story powerful! A powerful life story is often what urges people to write a memoir. They know that have a unique story to share, and they hope family and friends, as well as others will learn from their experiences. In this article, we’re covering how to take your personal story to write a memoir. Decide Who You’re Writing For Before…

  • Choosing Stories for Your Memoir: 8 Questions to Ask Yourself

    Memoirs are the easiest to write because you have already lived the material, but they are also the most challenging to write because you have to find the balance between what stories you share and what information needs to be left out. Writing a memoir doesn’t mean you have to include every aspect of your life from birth to your current status in life. Instead, great memoir writers know to pick and choose the best, most important stories to include. Oftentimes, memoir writers focus too much on their personal catharsis and less on the end-user: the reader. In order for…

  • The Making of a Memoir Part 1: Where to Start

    If I have learned anything from being an editor it is that everyone has a story to share. This great world of ours has given us experiences as varied as our fingerprints, and there is bound to be someone who will benefit from reading yours. Even if you think your life is nothing spectacular—perhaps even mundane—you probably have some nugget of insight somewhere along the way just waiting for you to dust it off and see it for the gem it is. I’m not going to sugarcoat it: writing about yourself is hard. However, it is also rewarding and incredibly…