• Apps Every Writer Should Have

    These days, there is an app for just about anything a writer could possibly need. From productivity to organization to meditation or music – our phones help us do a lot. For writers, there are so many apps to help beat writer’s block, dictate voice recordings, find inspiration, and more. Here are our top app recommendations writers should use regularly. 1) Hemingway Editor The Hemingway Editor can be used via the internet or as an app on your computer. With the Hemingway Editor, you add your text and will get a report of not only how clear and concise your…

  • 5 Things Every Writer Needs to Do This Year

    A new year has started and you’re more determined than ever to find a writing lifestyle that works for you. You are ready to write a book this year. So, what exactly do you need to have a successful writing year? Here are five things every writer needs to do to be productive this year. Make a plan. The best-laid intentions won’t get you anywhere if you don’t devise a plan. To reach your writing goals this year, create a detailed plan of the work you need to accomplish. Then, break that work down into smaller, action-oriented goals. Are you…

  • Navigating Your Best Year Yet

    You are cruising into the second week of January with ease. You’ve stuck to your guns on your diet, your gym routine is starting to make sense, and your planners are effortlessly mapping out all of the things you want to tackle this month. What about those writing goals you set? Have you met that daily word count to were hoping for?  Setting goals is really easy, sticking to them however, not so much. So, how do you stick to your proverbial guns this season? Simple. Start by setting realistic goals and remember to reward yourself along the way. In…

  • Making Time to Write During the Holidays

    The days between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day are quite possibly the busiest of the entire year. That means it may be even more difficult to find time to write. Don’t let the holidays throw off your writing routine though. Here are seven ways to continue making time to write during the holiday season. Make room. While your calendar may be jam-packed with holiday parties, shopping for gifts, special holiday events, and family time, it’s important to make room in your schedule for your writing. Identify the best time of day to write. If you’re an early riser, set your…