• Why Do Authors Pay Per Word For Editing?

    Many authors often ask us, “Why do editors charge per word for their services?” This is a valid question with an answer that may come as a surprise. I’ll do my best to explain this without getting too complicated. Editors charge per word because any time an editor edits a manuscript they read every word. Regardless of whether they end up making a correction to it or not. It’s more than just reading. They don’t just stop there. The editor does a lot more than just read every word. Every word is interpreted and dissected within the sentence to analyze what the author is…

  • 4 Reasons Your Book Needs An Introduction

    Introductions are really important when you first meet someone. It’s what lays the foundation for how you each come across. The same applies to introductions in books. When a reader isn’t properly acquainted from right the start, the rest of the conversation can get pretty awkward. Here are four reasons why you need an introduction section to start your book off on the right page. (Sorry: silly book pun!) To tell readers what they are going to be reading. This is probably the biggest reason to have an introduction in your manuscript. Readers aren’t mind-readers (and neither are editors). In…

  • 6 Tips to Make Your Book a Page-Turner

    Have you ever read a book you just couldn’t put down? Have you ever stayed up way past your bedtime because you just couldn’t stop reading? Can you imagine your book capturing a reader like that? Here are six tips that can make your book a page-turner: 1. Write about something you are passionate about. Prayer, evangelism, your story or testimony — whatever has the most meaning to you. Passion is always the key ingredient to great writing and is very contagious. 2. Develop a compelling theme overflowing with meaning. Pick a solid message or strong story for your book…

  • 10 Ways to Beat Writer Burnout

    In a world where busy is praised and multi-tasking is considered a skill to include on your resume, it makes sense that we would all face burnout every now and again. Working a full-time job, then getting home to pick up the house, make dinner, and take care of other responsibilities would be enough to burn anyone out, but people who dream of writing a book add another layer of tasks and responsibilities to their already full days. Burnout, which is now considered a syndrome by medical providers, goes beyond typical day-to-day stress and can result in a person feeling…