“The best way out is always through.” —Robert Frost I think it’s safe to say we’ve all had moments when we want to give up on a writing project or quit writing altogether. If you’re in need of some writing inspo, or you’ve been thinking about quitting recently, here are other things you can try instead: Consider your purpose for writing. Why did you want to write in the first place? How does your writing help you? How does it change you? In what ways do you hope it will help or inspire others? Consider your book’s purpose. What were…
Memoirs are the easiest to write because you have already lived the material, but they are also the most challenging to write because you have to find the balance between what stories you share and what information needs to be left out. Writing a memoir doesn’t mean you have to include every aspect of your life from birth to your current status in life. Instead, great memoir writers know to pick and choose the best, most important stories to include. Oftentimes, memoir writers focus too much on their personal catharsis and less on the end-user: the reader. In order for…
As you may have experienced by now, once you start writing a book (or go back to finish one) you will come across self-doubt, indecision, and many more obstacles. Realizing this ahead of time and planning for those hurdles will help warrant you won’t quit on your writing project when they surface. We’ve compiled a list of tips to help keep you on track to finish that book. 1. Hold yourself accountable. If you want to finish this book you have to start by holding yourself accountable. Know that the finishing of writing a book falls on nobody but yourself.…
Open Critique Groups Open writing critique groups are open to everyone who wishes to join with no restrictions in regards to age, writing genre, writing experience, group participation, meeting attendance, group size, or anything else in that matter. There are also typically little to no rules beyond common courtesy. PROS Flexibility: Attendance to meetings–whether virtual or in-person– isn’t mandatory. There’s also no pressure in sharing or participating which many writers that are new to critique groups will appreciate. Diversity: You’ll receive and observe feedback from a large variety of perspectives and writing styles. Networking: If your goal is to expand…