Search Results for: writing prompt

  • Ask the Editor: Varying Rhyming Patterns in Poetry

    The debate on rhyming in poetry produces skewed results. Should poets use end rhymes or not? Some argue that rhyming in poetry creates a natural rhythm that cannot be produced in any other form. Others encourage poets to do away with rhyming, as it creates a distracting predictability. Below is a brief list to shed light on rhyming patterns that deviate from your average end rhyme pattern. The key here is to challenge yourself to be inspired by an innovative rhyming scheme that retains the musical tones in your writing without the cliché predictability. Half Rhyme/Slant Rhyme/Off Rhyme. This rhyme…

  • Let’s Set Some Goals for 2013

    Every year at this time, lots of people are talking about making goals and resolutions for the New Year. Whether it’s to put an end to a bad habit, or kick-start a good one, it’s a wonderful time to be able to get refocused and have a fresh new start. I just love new beginnings! For me, I am choosing to restart a journey that I actually began back in September of this past year On September 5th, 2012, I decided to make some drastic changes in my life. I had just turned 49, and I was relishing that final,…

  • Xulon Press Successful Author Spotlight: Jackie Carpenter

    The Xulon Press Successful Author Spotlight focuses today on one of the most passionate authors I have had the pleasure to interview, Jackie Carpenter,, the author of “The Bridge” and “Georgia Justice”. Her books tell the true life story of Jackie and her family as they dealt with a “miracle come true” in a courtroom as her son Jason stood trial for a murder that he did not commit. The reader of her books can sense this mother’s passion as she did the one thing that made the most difference in her child’s life: Mama prayed. Jackie’s story is…