• 7 Stages Most Books Are Stuck in

    1. The Dream Stage. You have a dream of writing and becoming an author, but you just don’t know where to begin. 2. The Idea Stage. You actually have a really good idea–and other people tell you it is–but you’re not sure how to develop it. 3. The Message Stage. You just taught an incredible message and you can’t help but think, “This would make a great book, but how do I develop this message into a book?” 4. The Journal/Notes Stage. For years you’ve written in a notebook or journal. You have pages and pages of great writing, but…

  • Establishing Rapport and Credibility in Nonfiction

    I often find myself telling authors that they must establish rapport and credibility with their readers before anyone begins reading their book. This is vital for a number of reasons. The most important reason is that as an author, you want potential, on-the-fence readers to keep reading. You want them to recommend your book to others. You want your words to be out there for everyone to read. And you want readers to finish your book feeling satisfied. So, you’re probably thinking, how this is done? Well, when we take away the actual content of the book and we focus…

  • We’ve Endorsed These 5 Writing Prompts to Make You a Better Writer

    Setting aside time each day for reading and writing is a highly effective method for honing your writing skills. What if you find it difficult to dedicate time to write lengthy paragraphs every day? Or perhaps you’re dealing with a case of writer’s block? Writing prompts and exercises are quick and effortless ways to work writing into your daily schedule. Plus, they can supply a dose of creativity and inspiration you need for an upcoming major writing endeavor. Let’s take a look at the 5 writing prompts we’re sharing today: 1. Give It Life Pick an inanimate object that you…

  • How to Write Your Life Story

    One aspect of writing that I love is when we stop to look inward at ourselves. We take note of the choices we’ve made in our lives and they present a multitude of stories to tell. Most writers don’t think it is that easy. I have received a lot of messages over the years from writers who say, “No one knows me, why would they care about my story?” And, “I’m not a professional writer, so I don’t know how to get my story on paper.” I’ve said the same thing to each one of those writers, and I’m saying…