• Tips for a Fresh Start in 2021

    The beginning of a new year is a great opportunity to focus on creating new habits, trying fun activities, and expanding our capabilities to become even more fulfilled people than we were in the previous year. While it’s true that we can have a fresh start every morning we wake up, there’s something special about a fresh start to a new year. Maybe it’s time to finally take that cooking class you’ve always wanted to attend or you have a state park you want to visit and check off your bucket list. If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that we…

  • Book Endorsement vs. Book Review

    Book Endorsements A book endorsement is an advanced, positive review for your book, usually from someone influential to your new book’s audience. Normally, you want to secure endorsements before the release of your book. It’s common to see endorsements on the… Front or back cover of your book. Inside the book in the front pages. Your website. Marketing materials. Book Reviews Endorsements exist to support the author’s book marketing. Reviews, on the other hand, are designed to help readers decide which books to read. Of course, you can always pull positive excerpts from reviews to use in the same way…

  • New Year’s Tips for Writers

    New Year, new book. If you’re an aspiring author determined to publish in 2021, this list of tips for writers is for you. 1. Create an action plan. Not even writer’s block will stand in your way in 2021. Take time to create an action plan that you can actually stick to. Make sure it’s a realistic action plan and be honest with yourself. Set quantifiable writing goals to hit specific word counts, a date to have a publishing deal signed, and book release details set up. 2. Find the optimal writing space. Time, energy, and good writing space are…

  • Should I Hire a Ghostwriter?

    We’re coming up on the end of another year, and if you made a goal to finally write your book in 2020 but didn’t see the project through, hiring a ghostwriter may have already come to mind. 3 questions to ask yourself if you’re considering a ghostwriter. 1. What does a ghostwriter do? A ghostwriter helps develop a manuscript in their client’s same tone and voice. To do this, a ghostwriter relies on in-depth interviews with their client. They transcribe the recorded interviews and use that information to outline and write each chapter. At the end of the ghostwriting process, the client…