Search Results for: goal

  • Personal Branding for Authors: Part 1 of a 3-Part Series

    What is Branding? Branding. What does that word mean to you? Five years ago I would have told you it was what made a company or a product stand out. It was consistent, unique, and fitting to their concept. These days I would say branding means all those same things. However, now we are peeling back the layers of a very flaky, buttery croissant (yum) to find that branding does not only apply to companies or products, it applies to individuals. Particularly, individuals who have a skill or asset that benefits others and can be marketed and sold. Be Consistent…

  • The Making of a Memoir Part 3: It’s All About Structure

    This is the third and final post in a series all about writing your memoir. You can find helpful tips in the first post about getting started and the second post about brainstorming. Tangling with structure is about as common a writing problem as you can get. However, when you are writing about your own life it can be even trickier. You are looking at sets of events from the inside, all too close to see them with any different perspective. A single event can be told from lots of angles, but your job is to pluck events that defined…

  • How to Effectively Overcome Writer’s Block

    The inevitable has happened, you’ve hit a road block in your writing. Writer’s block happens to everyone; you’re not alone! Check out these effective and simple ways to combat that stuck feeling and help you find your writing groove. Go For a Walk Give your eyes a break from the screen and take a short walk around outside. The fresh air will help clear your mind, giving you a chance to step away from the story and come back fueled by new ideas. You writer’s block will be no match for your refreshed mind! Write Through the Block For some, the…

  • Creating Steady Flow in Dialogue

    People like to talk, and if you listen to some everyday conversations you will hear some common patterns: lots of “like” and “um”, pointless repetition, interjections of completely unrelated topics, and unfinished or incomplete sentences. This is all fine in real life but would never work in your writing—and this is the core of why capturing dialogue that feels authentic but completes its purpose is so difficult. Whether you are writing your memoir or a fictional novel, these tips will help your dialogue flow and feel more finished. 1. Cut Out the Day-to-Day All dialogue must move the story forward,…