When thinking about spring cleaning and how it applies to every area of our lives, I was at a loss as to how I would express my thoughts. So I did what any good writer does and asked someone else for his. Bouncing ideas and feedback off of other people is essential no matter what you’re undertaking, whether putting together a masterpiece manuscript or a monthly blog post. It occurred to me to ask the youth pastor at my church about his thoughts on spiritual spring cleaning since he is someone who is always taking on something new. Whether starting…
Saddleback Church recently sponsored a gathering on Mental Health and the Church. Pastor and Xulon Press author Bradley D. Hoefs was one of the speakers during a session on “Resourcing the Church” (he is the third speaker of five, found at the 35 minute mark in the video below). Brad started Fresh Hope in 2009, a Christ-centered support group for those who suffer from mood disorders, as well as for their loved ones. He is the author of “Fresh Hope – Living well in spite of a mental health diagnosis”. http://youtu.be/FNZPiWk5crU Find Brad’s book “Fresh Hope – Living well in…
Bob Burney is an award winning talk show host with Salem Media Group and a Xulon Press author. Bob recently interviewed Dr. Larry Keefauver about self-publishing for a program titled “The 7 Simple Steps for Self-Publishing Your Christian Book”. The entire program is available below. See what these two had to say about the industry, their experiences as self-published authors, and about Xulon Press. “My experience with Xulon has been incredibly pleasant and positive. I’m just blown away with the quality of the end product. I’m very, very pleased with them.” ~ Xulon author Bob Burney Segment 1: Segment 2:…
When I think of springtime, I tend to think of two things: spring cleaning and the overwhelmingly, intoxicating scent of the orange blossoms blooming in the groves around my house. Both signify a fresh start, especially the cleaning out of my closet and donating my unworn clothes. It got me to thinking, are there other areas that need to be spruced up? I find myself very quick to clean, fix and improve physical things in my life, but what about the non-physical things like relationships, my faith and my emotional well-being? Those are even more important than polishing the floors…