• A Morning Routine for Successful Writers

    If you’re like me, your morning routine includes you try to squeeze in your writing between sips of coffee in the morning, bites of your sandwich at lunch, and are always looking for extra spare moments to sit down and write when the house is quiet.  Early risers, take your schedule further. Build it out to maximize your most productive hours of the day. You can push your own limits in the morning. You’re programmed to be at your peak level of energy during the earlier hours of the day. Night owls, use this routine to simply get yourself up…

  • Creating a Writing Space for Max Productivity

    Time, energy, and good writing space are all we really need to be able to focus and be productive. It’s important to have a dedicated writing space at home because it signals to your brain that it’s time to write every time you’re in that space. If you tend to bounce around the house a lot as you write and feel unproductive, try creating a space exclusive for your writing. It doesn’t have to be fancy or even have a door. Your space only needs a few items to promote writing productivity. Tips for designing a productive writing space:  …

  • 10 Things Highly Productive People Do on Sunday

    The busier our lives get, the more we seek out ways to increase productivity and organization. I know the Sunday Scaries can be overwhelming and make us want to hide from our responsibilities that come with Monday mornings, but using Sundays in a way that helps you feel well-rested and prepared for the coming week is a huge game-changer. Here are 10 ways you can increase productivity on Sundays & prepare for a new week:    1. Make a to-do list for the upcoming week The first step to optimizing your productivity is sitting down and making a list. Lists…

  • How to Form New Habits

    Looking to incorporate a new habit into an already full lifestyle? Well, you’re not alone! Millions of us every year look for ways to incorporate a new habit into our daily or weekly routines. Many of us also fall out of the swing of things with our new routine before they convert to regular habits. Whether you’re looking to make weekly meal prepping your new jam or you’re hoping to incorporate a next-level writing session into your day-to-day, here are 5 tips to get you started! 1. Set your intention.  By now most of us know precisely what this means,…