• The Do’s and Don’ts for a Successful Writing Workshop

    If you’ve decided to participate in your first writing workshop — either virtually or in person — you may be wondering what you can do to be best prepared for your time with other writers and how to make the most of that time. Since a writing workshop typically takes place with a small group of writers and a professional to oversee the activity, you’ll most likely receive specific instructions for how to prepare for the workshop. Since you’ll be trading writing pieces with others in the class, you will need to have your writing in the best possible shape.…

  • Open Versus Closed Writing Critique Groups

    Open Critique Groups Open writing critique groups are open to everyone who wishes to join with no restrictions in regards to age, writing genre, writing experience, group participation, meeting attendance, group size, or anything else in that matter. There are also typically little to no rules beyond common courtesy. PROS Flexibility: Attendance to meetings–whether virtual or in-person– isn’t mandatory. There’s also no pressure in sharing or participating which many writers that are new to critique groups will appreciate.  Diversity: You’ll receive and observe feedback from a large variety of perspectives and writing styles. Networking: If your goal is to expand…