• 2021 Writing Self Check-in

    Self-Check  How are your 2021 writing goals going so far? If you feel like you’re devoting a lot of time to writing, but you aren’t seeing your word count climb, then you may want to start keeping tabs on yourself. Is self-editing, as you go, slowing you down? Starting each writing session by editing what you wrote during your previous writing period can eat up a significant amount of time you could have been writing, and you’ll never make large strides in your word count that way. Find a paper planner you can use solely for this self-check. Add in…

  • Tips for a Fresh Start in 2021

    The beginning of a new year is a great opportunity to focus on creating new habits, trying fun activities, and expanding our capabilities to become even more fulfilled people than we were in the previous year. While it’s true that we can have a fresh start every morning we wake up, there’s something special about a fresh start to a new year. Maybe it’s time to finally take that cooking class you’ve always wanted to attend or you have a state park you want to visit and check off your bucket list. If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that we…

  • New Year’s Tips for Writers

    New Year, new book. If you’re an aspiring author determined to publish in 2021, this list of tips for writers is for you. 1. Create an action plan. Not even writer’s block will stand in your way in 2021. Take time to create an action plan that you can actually stick to. Make sure it’s a realistic action plan and be honest with yourself. Set quantifiable writing goals to hit specific word counts, a date to have a publishing deal signed, and book release details set up. 2. Find the optimal writing space. Time, energy, and good writing space are…

  • How to Set Realistic Intentions for 2021

    By creating an intention, we make the active choice to experience a specific type of day or a specific journey for the year. A simple example of creating an intention for the day is saying, “I’m going to have a great day.” And an example of creating an intention for a year would be “I’m going to find a new hobby I enjoy” or “I’m going to write my book in 2021.” With a brand new year insight, and what feels like a never-ending pandemic, most of us are probably feeling one of two ways about resolutions for 2021. One…