• A Pre-Writing Checklist for Fiction Writers

    Hyping yourself up to write a book is a lot like getting in the right frame of mind to start a new workout routine. First, the determination takes hold. “I am going to start right now.” Then, self-doubt takes over. “I have no idea where to start.” So, this is your crash course to the pre-writing process. Follow our checklist, and you’ll feel more confident and prepared when it comes time to start writing. 1. Develop your elevator pitch, also known as a premise. Your premise should mention of your protagonist, his or her goal, and the situation that will…

  • Novel Writing: Creating a Cast of Characters

    Hello writers! Hopefully, you’re each waist-deep in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). If you haven’t started yet, or have fallen off the wagon just a bit, just jump right back on! The only thing standing between you and a finished novel is your hesitation. And you, sweet writer, have nothing to lose! As you pound away at your 1,667 words per day, start thinking about characterization. That may sound like a complicated term to some, but it’s simply the process of creating characters in your story. Give them depth, quirks, and their own unique imprint in the storyline. There are…

  • Developing Backstory for Your Novel

    The backstory is an extremely important step in writing a well-developed story. Developing your protagonist’s history leading up to the story in your novel paints a picture for the reader. The way in which that backstory is used and incorporated into your novel is just as important though. When developing background information for your characters, record it in a separate document from your manuscript. In that space, tell yourself about your protagonist. Who is he? What are his likes/dislikes? Is there an inciting moment led him to the current state of his life that readers will find him in your…