• How to Choose Your Character Names

    When writing fiction, you may not think you need to put too much thought into character names, but using interesting names that lend to your story can be a great way to keep readers engaged. If you can’t think of a good name while you write, use generic names so you don’t lose your pace, but then go back and do a search and replace and change your characters’ names to your final selections during one of your revision rounds. If you’re feeling uninspired by your character names, we can help. Here are 4 ways to choose strong character names:…

  • How to Develop Your Characters

    When it comes to developing characters, first-time writers often fall into two camps. The first camp doesn’t focus on creating character profile sheets and instead just wings it during their writing. The second camp thinks that a character should be as close to perfect humans as the writer can get them. Both of these can lead to very flat—somewhat boring—characters because they lack depth. The secret to developing a character that is strong, well-rounded, interesting is grittiness. Every single character needs some negative traits, some traits that make them stand out from others, and traits that make them feel human.…

  • Novel Writing: Creating a Cast of Characters

    Hello writers! Hopefully, you’re each waist-deep in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). If you haven’t started yet, or have fallen off the wagon just a bit, just jump right back on! The only thing standing between you and a finished novel is your hesitation. And you, sweet writer, have nothing to lose! As you pound away at your 1,667 words per day, start thinking about characterization. That may sound like a complicated term to some, but it’s simply the process of creating characters in your story. Give them depth, quirks, and their own unique imprint in the storyline. There are…